Saturday, February 25, 2012

Something completely random and unrelated to South Sudan

There isn't a lot to do here in Jamam. So I play on the internet quite a bit. I recently found an old note that I'd published on Facebook, back in 2009, when I was working in Indonesia for the Australian Red Cross. Seems like ages ago (and it is!). But it really made me laugh out loud! So, for your amusement, and my posterity, I'm publishing it on my blog. This is for my own benefit, really...

25 random things you probably don’t need to know about Jacqui

by Jacqui Symonds on Saturday, February 14, 2009 at 8:48am ·

"Ok. So I’m procrastinating from doing staff performance reviews (damn you, end-of-job responsibilities!). I have loved reading everyone else’s lists, and almost feel embarrassed to publish these because there are so many more interesting ones than mine...You are tagged because 1. You’re in it (duh) or 2. I’d love to read yours, so get writing, ya Facecrack junkie. "

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1. When I was a kid I wanted to be an artist, because I loved art and was pretty good at it. I even received a merit certificate (perfect score) for Art in Year 12. But when I had to decide on my career path, I didn’t know what to do. So I underwent a professional aptitude test. It showed that my design skills were one of the poorest performing areas.

2. I can raise both of my eyebrows independently of each other. It’s my best talent.

3. The funniest thing I’ve ever been mistaken for (besides a 'Home and Away' actress) is a ghost. In Simeulue Island, Indonesia (where I'm living), I often go to the beach after work for a walk around dusk, when the fishermen are out casting their nets. One afternoon when I emerged from my walk on the beach, a fisherman in the nearby river saw me – and due to the time of night, my towering height, white skin and flaming ‘red’ hair, he believed I was a ghost. He was so scared that he packed up his net and went home!

4. I did a week of work experience at an envelope printing company in year 11.

5. In 2005, Nath and I stayed at the Clown and Bard backpackers hostel in Prague. We composed an awesome poem about our adventures at Oktoberfest and other random places, while extremely drunk at two in the morning. It now adorns the wall of their downstairs bar in black marker pen, along with the stories of countless other travellers.

6. I learned to play the piano for nine years, from the age of seven. I went through grade examinations, which I really didn’t enjoy. I put myself under so much pressure to excel that I used to bash my head against the keys in absolute frustration from repeatedly getting a section of a piece wrong.

7. Bradey, Ange, Cee and I once dressed up as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for a fancy dress party. When we arrived at the house we employed our stealth moves as we made our way down the side of the house, and planned to jump out and impress everyone with our awesome weapons and ninja moves. The house was unusually quiet, and when we got to the backyard and saw a rusted out car amongst overgrown grass, we realised we were at the wrong house. After disturbing the occupants inside, we legged it out to the road, minus all ninja stealth. When we found the right house we just went through the front door.

8. I was once given two chickens, both in the same day by different people, as thank you gifts. Location: Liberia!

9. In August 2008 my sister Ange and I got locked in a Laundromat in Medan (Indonesia) because we refused to pay for our laundry service. When our clothes came back, 50% of them were just as dirty as when we submitted them, so we told them we wouldn’t pay. Our arguments took us past closing time, so they locked the doors. Among the many strategies we employed to win the argument and/or escape, we sat on the floor of the foyer and played Shithead, until the manager finally cracked and negotiated with us.

10. One night, Ange, Cee and I were bored at home, drinking, so we set out into the back streets of Unley and proceeded to spend the next few hours laughing and guffawing extremely loud and obnoxiously, throwing stuff, kicking street signs and generally running riot Clockwork Orange-style (sans ultra-violence). It goes down as one of my favourite nights ever.

11. When I was a teenager, I was quite the bitch, especially to my mum and younger sister Ange. If we went shopping in Rundle Mall, I would walk ahead of them. I was too embarrassed to walk with them, because I thought they were totally uncool.

12. I have never been skiing. I’m almost too scared to try it now, because I’m worried about injuring myself. It’s one of my biggest fears – getting injured. Maybe because it happens to me rather frequently…

13. The first music festival I ever attended was IndieFest 1998 with my cousin Tracy, at Adelaide Uni. The main thing I remember about it now was the anticipation I felt at lining up to go inside. Don’t ask me who played. The Living End?

14. When we were both still at primary school, Ange and I entered the Melrose Easter tennis tournament. I was wearing a bright red hat with the Elders logo printed on it (Ange had one too, we were so cool). Partway through a singles match, which I was winning comfortably, the friend of my opponent came down to watch. She began heckling and abusing me to try and put me off, so that her friend would win. It was really nasty! She started abusing me about my hat, and how uncool it was. I cracked under the pressure and started crying during the game. I was winning 5-2, and ended up losing 7-5. All I wanted to do was smash her with my tennis racquet.

15. I have lived in Germany (2 months, 1997), Liberia (9 months - 2006) and Indonesia (19 months – 07-09).

16. I dream of opening an eco-backpackers hostel in Morocco.

17. I once got so sunburnt that I had to go to hospital. It was in year 12, when a group of my school friends went to Wallaroo after our exams. We spent the entire last day of our adventure on the beach. The next day when we arrived back in Jamestown, my classmate Sal’s mother look one look at my legs and said, ‘Jacqui, I think we’d better take you to the hospital.’ I had to get my feet and legs bandaged up to my knees because they were so burnt. I hadn’t even really noticed because we had been so pissed. For about a week afterwards I had to apply burn cream and bandages every day and walk around in flip-flops.

18. Among the many things I have eaten in my lifetime, some of the more random are animals and include frog, python, monkey, eel, buffalo and bush deer.

19. On a work trip to the SA Riverland with my fellow SA Government graduates, one night while out drinking on the lawns in front of the Berri pub, we lost a whole esky of beer in the River Murray. It somehow rolled down the hill into the river, and just floated away (or sunk?) without any of us noticing…

20. I never knew that Moldova was a country until about five years ago when I discovered it in an atlas.

21. I have fainted in the blood bank, twice. If it happens again, they will ban me from donating. 3 strikes…

22. I hide any spare beers in the fridge from my housemate Nick. Otherwise he drinks them all by himself out the front of the house. I secretly think he’s a closet alcoholic.

23. I REALLY hate it when people throw their cigarette butts on the ground, or out the car window. I was once waiting at a bus stop and the rather bogan-like guy standing next to me threw his cigarette butt on the ground. There was a rubbish bin about 2 metres away from him. I said to him, ‘Excuse me, do you think you could please pick that up? There’s a bin just there.’ He gave me a scathing look, turned away, spat on the ground, turned back to me and said ‘why don’t you pick THAT up?’

24. I really enjoy baking my own bread, which I do every weekend.

25. In year nine, Lauren, Pete and I had a one-hour after-school radio show on “Just One J – 103.1FM” in the Nissen Hut of our High School. The transmitter only broadcast the signal far enough to listen to it within the town. Our show had a (rather small but well cool) cult following, because we played Radiohead, the Smashing Pumpkins, the Lemonheads and Skunk Anansie. All the other radio shows were run by year 8’s who played the Spice Girls. We thought they sucked. 


So there you have it. The silly things you learn from reading people's weblogs.

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